Capsules; My baby hates her car seat! My baby sleeps in her capsule all day if I allowed her! What is right and wrong about capsules



Part five of our blog series on “Bumbo’s and Bouncers. Walkers, Jolly Jumpers and Capsules Oh My!”

Capsules are similar to bouncers in the sense that capsules encourage a curled up position for your baby's body. Again, it is finding a balance so that your baby also gets the chance to stretch out and use their limbs in their full range of motion instead of always being limited by their surroundings. 

What if my baby falls asleep in a capsule? Ideally we recommend that babies should sleep in their capsule when you are driving. Yes, unfortunately it means when you get to your destination, trying to keep them asleep and move them to either their bed, flat bed pram or in your arms. The reason for this is extended periods in a capsule is similar to a bouncer, where your baby is in a semi reclined position. This is where those muscles at the front of the body are in a shortened state and may lead to tightness. Capsules should be used as a car seat only

Some babies don’t like being in that curled up position, like in capsules and car seats, if your baby gets upset or doesn’t like car rides this could be why.  

Our Osteopaths assess your baby to see if they have any tightness or restrictions that may be contributing to the position being uncomfortable for them. 

We find that the head and neck are a great place to start assessing, but we love to look at the whole baby from head to toe to see if anything else is adding to their discomfort. 

Using light pressure we aim to reduce muscle tightness and increase joint motion so that your baby is comfortable and hopefully starts enjoying the car ride! We can provide you with advice and teach you exercises to do at home to help your baby’s progress. It can be a whole family approach at times, so let's get the tribe involved!

At Osteo 4 Families we really appreciate the growing process and potential of our little ones. If you have any concerns, or your little one is struggling with movements, or is unhappy in the car seat or capsule, call us and we can be a part of your health journey.

Whoa, that is a lot of information, but if you are wanting to know more, contact us at Osteo 4 Families on 0416 161 411, or book online at

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