Whether it’s exploring during the holidays, going for a weekend drive, driving across Australia, visiting family and friends or driving to a holiday resort. We can spend a long time sitting in a car, in a very similar position. 

So here are some tips on how to take care of your body when spending a long time in the car.

Ensure your seat is set up well and is comfortable before you start driving. Adjust your seat, steering wheel, mirrors before you go.

Take things to entertain the kids and yourself. This can help maintain your concentration when you're driving and avoid the tension building up in your shoulders from all the “discussions” in the back seat.

If you take a nap (obviously you’re not the driver) try to find a position where your neck is supported and not dropping forward or to an angle or leaning back. Use a spare jumper to add some support for your neck.

If driving for more than 2 hours, plan for a stop. At that stop get out and move, walk around the car a few times, stretch your body, have a drink of water and just get your body moving

There are some stretches you can do in the car while driving if your a passenger or when you’ve pulled over if you’re the driver

Check out our video demonstrating some of the stretches you can do to break up your long car trips https://youtu.be/2oI0nETcerU 

When you arrive at your location, take a few moments to stretch and get your body moving and warm before you start unpacking those 30kg suitcases.

Have you ever been on a plane and actually read the safety handout and the handout with some exercises for your body especially your feet. You can do most of them in the car too with the same benefits!

When we’re uncomfortable, car rides can become less enjoyable and our tolerance and concentration can become lower. Knowing your needs for a long drive and getting healthy habits may make your drive more relaxing and comfortable. 

And then once you’ve returned from your lovely holiday, you may realise how much you missed your own bed and pillow. If you need help recovering from long car rides, pushing your comfort zone and trying new sports, Osteo 4 Families is here to support you.