How do you know if you have whiplash

Whiplash is a type of injury affecting the neck where your head moves outside its normal range suddenly in one direction then back in the other direction.

Whiplash can affect the different structures in your neck including the muscles, tendons, ligaments, bones, blood vessels and nerves.  

Whiplash can occur on any activity that causes your head to suddenly accelerate and then decelerate in a direction. This is commonly associated with car accidents but can also occur in sports where you may collide with another player, common in footy or rugby or as an accident when your head is jolted in a fall. 

If there has been an action where you have had a quick acceleration and deceleration and you have these symptoms you may have whiplash;

  • Neck pain (most common)

  • Aches in the upper back and arms

  • Headaches

  • Feeling a little dizzy

  • Bruising on the front of your chest from a seatbelt.

Symptoms are usually experienced within 12-24 hours after the injury.

The treatment of whiplash can be varied and depend on the degree of injury. Keep an eye out for our future blog on the treatment of whiplash and of course if you or a friend is suffering with whiplash, please give us a call 0416 161 411 to make an appointment

Carly Broadbent