Most pregnant women experience difficulty sleeping in late pregnancy
Sleep may be disturbed by visits to the toilet, heartburn, a kick from the baby or a feeling of discomfort lying down.
Here are some simple tips to try to aid in sleeping while pregnant
Lie on one side with a pillow under your tummy and another between your knees (it is recommended to lie on your left side)
Rest during the day
Avoid stimulants such as tea, coffee and alcohol before bedtime
If you have heartburn - don’t eat too late or close to your bedtime
Only get into your bed when you are tired
Exercise, such as walking, in the late afternoon or early evening
Do relaxing things before bed like soak in a bath, listen to music, massage or meditation
Please follow all individual advice from your healthcare provider as this is general advice and may not apply to your circumstances.
Source: Royal Women’s Hospital Factsheetway you tell your story online can make all the difference.